Sunday, September 16, 2007

To Do:

The Lou Undine: Research food source. No trash cans, but maybe Costco. Also, Food licenses.

The Heather Sushi: We should cook you before we eat you. Before that ever happens though, you must finish three tasks, and you will be declared Princess, then eaten in Japanese restaurant. Look up technical licenses, financial details, and send my the '10 steps' web page so I can type my stuff.

The Sarah Flowers: Organize info, type up lovely-ness, act Secretary like. Keep the others sane, with insanity.


Dan said...

I wish all todo lists sounded this fun.

Flowers said...

I am afriad they don't. But, if you want me to give you a 'To do' list, I would be glad to... actually, ask Heather, she is the one who is looking up most of the legal stuff.